Yes, you read that write... Nickelodeon style!Due to my overwhelmingly creative boyfriend and his ex-frat boy roomies, the guys have decided to host another New Year's Eve theme party. This year, we're rolling back to 90's Nick!
So what all does a 90's Nick New Year's Eve party entail? Oh baby! Let me fill you in on the fun...
+ 90's Nickelodeon character costumes
+ countdown to a food fight (outside) at midnight
+ kiddie food... think chicken nugs (yum!) and puppy chow
+ best costume awards
+ lots of games, music, and fun!
Yes, everybody attending will be dressed as their favorite 90's Nick character, so I bet you're wondering what I've decided on, right? After hours of reminiscing about Rugrats, Legends of the Hidden Temple, Alex Mack and Clarissa Explains It All, I have finally landed on the perfect costume selection for me...
{ Patty Mayonnaise! }
Okay, so I had the costume idea down, but then it was time for some costume inspiration! Thanks to my trusty friend, Google Images, I found my do's and don'ts of Patty Mayonnaise costuming...
Behold the "Do's":

And the Don't (Yes, just one...)

So anyway, thank you random internet examples, your [non-skanky] costumes have inspired me to find my inner Patty! Can't wait to share photos with you guys!
I've got the short blonde wig, so now it's time to dig out a cute skirt and glue felt polka dots onto a sweater - hahaha! And where on earth do I find pink Chuck Taylors on such short notice...
help!Enough about our semi-Halloween awesome New Year's Eve bash... what are your plans to ring in the New Year?

PS- A big thank you to all of you who left encouraging words yesterday
on my health scare diagnostics post. You all are so wonderful and each one of your comments meant the world to me! Hoping for a correct diagnosis soon! xo