I don't know about you, but everywhere I turn lately it's there. Grocery store, Barnes & Noble, nightly news, morning radio shows - they are all saturated with get healthy tips and stories. I love this time of year. Seriously!
I know it's easy to pick up a magazine while waiting in the check-out line, thumb through it (while trying not to look interested in the deemed "shallowness of hollywood and pop culture"), and then turn to the obese 55-year-old lady behind me and say, "Yeah, if I had a personal stylist and airbrushing, I could look like that in a bikini too." Then instantly feel a sense of sisterhood when she scoffs and extends her personal bash at whatever actress magically dropped 3 dress sizes in 2 weeks.
But why do we do this? Does it make us feel better to discredit these women? Is this our means of an excuse? This is sad.
Granted some people abuse the system, that's not healthy. What if that very person on the cover actually WORKED for transforming her body? No diet pills, no starving, no $1,000+ meal delivery program, no surgical procedures - just old school sweat, hardwork and determination. Wow, what a concept!
So, lately I've started to embrace the stories of real people actually making a decision to change their lifestyle - what a THINspiration for me! Because honestly, if someone can go from a size 22 to a size 8, there is no reason I can't drag my butt to the gym 5 times a week and eat a cleaned up diet. I am a normal sized girl looking to get healthier.
Example in point, Carrie Underwood - she looks awesome! Have you seen her? She was never overweight, but man she has really worked hard at toning her body and cleaning up her diet. She has incorporated weights alongside her usual 30 minutes of cardio a day and has just tried to cute out unnecessary sugar and processed foods and she has toned up! I love it!

Before developing a healthy lifestyle and workout

Check out that muscle tone! She looks HEALTHY (not ridiculously skinny) and confident
So you'd better believe I am inspired. Whether it is her story, watching The Biggest Loser, or taking a health assessment quiz, I am gung-ho ready for this! I want my healthy lifestyle back and with that comes rewards - weight loss, muscle toning, self-confidence and most importantly, self accomplishment. This is my year. Look out world... here I come!