January 29, 2010

Simply Scentsational

So, the last few weeks my lovely co-workers have walked passed my office and exclaimed, "Holy cow! What is that SMELL?" No, they were not gasping for fresh air, how rude of you to think I smelled? Really? In all actuality, it was the wonderful aroma of Honey Pear Cider flowing from my Scentsy warmer. The sweet, inviting scent captivated the office hallway, and I've never had more visitors!

What is Scentsy you ask? Scentsy is a brand of wickless, flameless, candles that are safe for home and office. They are powered by a little lightbulb inside the warmer which melts the fragrance bar on top. The selections of available warmers and scents offer so many options to anyone looking for something that looks and smells YUMMY!

They even have these adorable plug-ins for bathroom and kitchen (don't worry, I have one for both!)... so cute!

My top favorite scents right now:

- Spiced Grapefruit
- Home Sweet Home
- Honey Pear Cider
- Cozy Fireside
- Autumn Sunset
- Mochadoodle

Interested?! Check out Scentsy to view all the cute warmers or message me with questions!!

January 6, 2010


I don't know about you, but everywhere I turn lately it's there. Grocery store, Barnes & Noble, nightly news, morning radio shows - they are all saturated with get healthy tips and stories. I love this time of year. Seriously!

I know it's easy to pick up a magazine while waiting in the check-out line, thumb through it (while trying not to look interested in the deemed "shallowness of hollywood and pop culture"), and then turn to the obese 55-year-old lady behind me and say, "Yeah, if I had a personal stylist and airbrushing, I could look like that in a bikini too." Then instantly feel a sense of sisterhood when she scoffs and extends her personal bash at whatever actress magically dropped 3 dress sizes in 2 weeks.

But why do we do this? Does it make us feel better to discredit these women? Is this our means of an excuse? This is sad.

Granted some people abuse the system, that's not healthy. What if that very person on the cover actually WORKED for transforming her body? No diet pills, no starving, no $1,000+ meal delivery program, no surgical procedures - just old school sweat, hardwork and determination. Wow, what a concept!

So, lately I've started to embrace the stories of real people actually making a decision to change their lifestyle - what a THINspiration for me! Because honestly, if someone can go from a size 22 to a size 8, there is no reason I can't drag my butt to the gym 5 times a week and eat a cleaned up diet. I am a normal sized girl looking to get healthier.

Example in point, Carrie Underwood - she looks awesome! Have you seen her? She was never overweight, but man she has really worked hard at toning her body and cleaning up her diet. She has incorporated weights alongside her usual 30 minutes of cardio a day and has just tried to cute out unnecessary sugar and processed foods and she has toned up! I love it!

Before developing a healthy lifestyle and workout

Check out that muscle tone! She looks HEALTHY (not ridiculously skinny) and confident

So you'd better believe I am inspired. Whether it is her story, watching The Biggest Loser, or taking a health assessment quiz, I am gung-ho ready for this! I want my healthy lifestyle back and with that comes rewards - weight loss, muscle toning, self-confidence and most importantly, self accomplishment. This is my year. Look out world... here I come!

January 5, 2010

New Year. New Me.

Back in 5th grade, the year 2010 seemed forever away. What a weird concept... the 21st century. Woah. Well, eleven champagne toasts later here we are - HELLO 2010!

Typically, every year I try to think of at least a few new year's resolutions... but we all know how we kind of let that motivation fizzle out a few months down the road, or if you're anything like me, 2 weeks later. Fail.

Much to my surprise, after looking back on 2009 I realized that I have learned so much in the last year...

- How to be an independent girl out in Big Girl World.

- Puppies are like children, with a little love and discipline they may not turn out to be total terrors.

- Junior Mints are still delicious even after they've turned into hot lava in your 90 degree car... mint lava running down a white oxford right before a business meeting... not so much.

- Sometimes just realizing that you need to walk away is the hardest thing, but it's the letting go that leads to so much unexpected happiness.

- If I believe in myself I can accomplish absolutely anything (yes, this confidence may or may not be derived from the sweet victory of murdering a ginormous tarantula by dousing it in clorox. Yeah, that's right, clorox.)

All in all it was a successfull year, but how will I push myself in 2010 and what will I learn. After thinking for a few days, I have come up with my top 3 new year's resolutions:

1) Increase my savings significantly.

2) Lose 10% of my body weight in order to reach a healthy, stable BMI.

3) Start a blog!!! CHECK!

Anyway, welcome to the inside of my brain... someone once described it as a Disney movie on speed filled with awkward moments and rainbows. Potentially scary, but rather whimsical perhaps?

I hope you will all grow with me and this blog. This will be the best way for me to share with you what's going on in the Life Of Meg no matter if you are near or far. Much love and Happy New Year to you and yours.