January 5, 2010

New Year. New Me.

Back in 5th grade, the year 2010 seemed forever away. What a weird concept... the 21st century. Woah. Well, eleven champagne toasts later here we are - HELLO 2010!

Typically, every year I try to think of at least a few new year's resolutions... but we all know how we kind of let that motivation fizzle out a few months down the road, or if you're anything like me, 2 weeks later. Fail.

Much to my surprise, after looking back on 2009 I realized that I have learned so much in the last year...

- How to be an independent girl out in Big Girl World.

- Puppies are like children, with a little love and discipline they may not turn out to be total terrors.

- Junior Mints are still delicious even after they've turned into hot lava in your 90 degree car... mint lava running down a white oxford right before a business meeting... not so much.

- Sometimes just realizing that you need to walk away is the hardest thing, but it's the letting go that leads to so much unexpected happiness.

- If I believe in myself I can accomplish absolutely anything (yes, this confidence may or may not be derived from the sweet victory of murdering a ginormous tarantula by dousing it in clorox. Yeah, that's right, clorox.)

All in all it was a successfull year, but how will I push myself in 2010 and what will I learn. After thinking for a few days, I have come up with my top 3 new year's resolutions:

1) Increase my savings significantly.

2) Lose 10% of my body weight in order to reach a healthy, stable BMI.

3) Start a blog!!! CHECK!

Anyway, welcome to the inside of my brain... someone once described it as a Disney movie on speed filled with awkward moments and rainbows. Potentially scary, but rather whimsical perhaps?

I hope you will all grow with me and this blog. This will be the best way for me to share with you what's going on in the Life Of Meg no matter if you are near or far. Much love and Happy New Year to you and yours.

1 comment:

  1. i love it i love it i love it!! also, i have not heard the mint story before!! and don't worry, i've killed many a spider with just my trusty anti-bac windex bottle ; )
    love and kisses!!


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