February 1, 2010

Lasagna & Key Lime Pie... naturally.

Now that I have moved into my spacious apartment, I have been even more excited and inspired to cook. The over sized kitchen island looking into the living room makes it easy to create a masterpiece while catching up on the latest episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians... yes, I'm serious.

So, around 4 p.m. on Friday I decided that I wanted to discover a new recipe as well as impress my dear sweet BF with my mediocre culinary skills. Naturally, I logged into my life saving online cookbook and began searching. After a mere 5 minutes I stumbled across what was claimed to be the "World's Best Lasagna".

At first I was hesitant, but with more than 3,000+ people raving about it, I thought I'd give it a shot. So, I printed out the recipe, made my grocery list and I was off to the market!

Half way there I realized I didn't have anything sweet planned for dessert, and we all know how much I can't LIVE without my dessert. I shot BF a quick text on my BlackBerry to brainstorm for ideas and decided on Key Lime Pie, his favorite. Thank God for my internet capable handheld, or else I would have had no clue as to what ingredients magically constituted an amazing KLP.

I finally made it home with all of my groceries and began my lasagna adventure. Due to lack of a selection at my neighborhood grocery store, I modified the recipe slightly. I started the sauce so that when Adam got to my place we would be ready to layer the dense dish together. It really wasn't too complicated at all to assemble, and then we popped it in the oven for close to an hour.

Next on my agenda was Key Lime Pie - delicious! Oh. My. Goodness. If you want EASY that doesn't taste easy, this recipe is for you. Granted I made my own graham cracker crust, but the rest was pretty simple - mix, pour, bake, chill.

My apartment was quickly filled with the intoxicating smells of Italian seasonings. The time went off and the lasagna looked amazing! Trust me, it tasted 10 times better than it looked, and it looked pretty darn tasty!

After the lasagna popped out, I put the KLP in the over for a good 15 min. and then let it chill. I decorated the top with some whipped cream and lime slices for some added pretty color.

From the looks of our happy plates, I'd like to say we thoroughly enjoyed our feast, and the eager "I'd be happy to take some leftovers home" definitely assured me that I had hit a home run!

Hope you enjoy these recipes!

World's Best Lasagna

Easy Key Lime Pie

More delicious recipes to come soon - Bon Appetit!

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