So we've heard over and over, "Reduce, reuse, recycle", but what does this really mean and why should we care?
I've asked myself these questions too, so don't you worry, we're in the same boat.
After careful research I have learned so much about the importance of recycling. Now I'm a firm believer in doing my part to save the environment.
"Why recycle?" you ask - It's easy as 1, 2, 3...
1) Recycling reduces our overflowing landfill waste by 25 - 50 percent. 
- Americans generate approximately 180,000,000 tons of garbage a year. As landfills overflow, more and more land is needed for garbage dumps, reducing natural farmland and beautiful green space. Woah! That's a huge decrease in trash!
2) Recycling conserves our natural resources and reduces consumption of raw materials.- Sure, it may sound cliche, but reusing paper saves trees! Recycling paper reduces energy spent on creating new paper materials by 60 percent! Less energy = less pollution for us!
3) Recycling saves money, creates new jobs and stimulates an exhausted economy.- Did you know that we throw away 27 billion glass containers each year? Glass is 100 percent recyclable and can be reused over and over again.
- National employment studies found that the recycling industry creates four jobs for every one job created in waste management.
- The recycling industry is estimated to provide over 2 million jobs and contribute
over $250 Billion to the GDP.
Recycling for Dummies: 5 Easy Steps_______________________________
1) Find a recycling service or local center.- Visit
Earth 911 to find a recycling center near you!
2) Contact your local center to find out what is acceptable.- Click
here for commonly accepted recyclables. Click
here for a complete A-Z list of recyclables that may surprise you!
3) Set up a recycling center in your home.- All you need to do is buy 4 bins for paper/cardboard, plastic, aluminum, and glass.
- Make it fun! This is your chance to let your creative side roam free! Colors, labels, patterns... you make your recycling center fabulous!

Bungalow Scout Shouldah Bin4) Learn how to sort your recyclables.- Click
here for easy tips on what to look for and how to sort.
5) Practice makes perfect!- Reminders are great for the fridge! Click
here for a printable cheat sheet.
Doesn't sound too hard, right? If we can all follow those simple steps we will be off to a great start!
Inspired? I hope so! After all, a world with less trash is a world with more beauty...