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June 16, 2010


I don't know about you guys, but there are very few things that can relax me, make me feel gorgeous, and that I love more than a trip to the salon!

gossip magazines + lovely hand massages + yummy Aveda products
great company + wonderful beauty tips + girl talk
= relaxed blonder me!

{ Mmmm... }

Plus, I've FINALLY found the perfect stylist!

Not only did she read my mind, she also created the most beautiful bright, long, blond locks that I had been missing! As if that wasn't awesome enough... I basically went to one of the best metro salons and paid half price!

This morning I woke up feeling great and confident {love that feeling!}! I wasn't sure if anyone would notice, but everyone kept asking me if I got a haircut, lost weight, or if I was wearing a new outfit.

{ Now THAT is how you know your stylist did good! }


Now that I am blondified and beach ready, I need to find my perfect summer dress... right? RIGHT!

Over and out!

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