Seriously, it was wonderful and I loved every minute of it! Just a whole bunch of little wonderful things that made me smile uncontrollably.
{ Top 10 Weekend Faves }

1) Twilight Saga Mararthon
- I spent all Friday night lusting over my favorite vampires/werewolves for 5 delicious hours - I heart girls night! Call me crazy, but that 2nd movie left me very Team Jacob... hello abs! Uh oh!

2) Zumba Maniac
- I woke up early on Saturday morning and enjoyed a wonderful workout - thanks Zumba!
3) Sunbathing Beauty... I think...
- Well, I tried to get some sun on Saturday afternoon... if it wasn't for the massive thunderstorm that rolled in 10 min. after applying sunscreen, I might actually be *less* white. It was fun while it lasted!

4) "My boyfriend's back and you're gunna be in trouble!"
- Yep, my buddy is back from lovely Paris. Couldn't be happier! His stories were so funny and wonderful - #1 vicarious GF right here! Plus, I was showered with the sweetest gifts ever... I love all of my new treasures!
{ Me = Spoiled }
- If you were born in the 80's PLEASE tell me you remember playing POGS? Well, BF and I found his old collection and played for a good hour.
Don't ask me who won, I'm still bitter...
6) Adopted Sunday
- Unfortunately, I was unable to head home for Father's Day, but I was "adopted" by BF's fam for the day. Packed full of a great company, church potluck, World Cup watching, relaxing and a delicious dinner, it made me one happy girl.
7) Daddy Day
- So very happy that I at least got to talk to my Daddy and set-up a Father's Day raincheck. WAY excited for a family visit in July.
{ Love you, Dad! }
8) Kickball Queen Right Here
- Church kickball team games couldn't be more fun! And I'm actually not THAT bad... woah. Yep, that's right, the back of my jersey even reads "Queen of Kick" - look out world!

9) Home Sweet Home
- After dog/cat/house sitting for a week, I am happy to be back in more own cozy apartment. Dorthy was right - there's no place like home!
10) Back to Blogging
- It was a nice little hiatus, I'm not going to lie, but last night I was happy to get back to [Life of Meg] to set up this week's Mingle Monday!

[Mingle Monday]
**If you haven't mingled yet, you'd better get your tushy to that post and gain some new fabulous followers!**
So tell me, what were your top favorite weekend faves?
Hope your weekend was lovely!

Yea team Jacob united! Oh and pogs were the best, so old school!
ReplyDeleteI loved pogs. The best things about my weekend were a private karoke room and a trip to the Irish pub in Changwon,South Korea.
ReplyDeleteI should pretty much be banned from Zumba class. I'm way too uncoordinated. I have to stand in the back of the class so as not to throw anyone else off! But that's okay b/c in the back I get to watch the 70 year old ladies school everyone in the room!
ReplyDeleteI need to do the twilight marathon this weekend! Team Edward here...don't hate ;)
ReplyDeleteI spent Saturday at the beach and it was perfect. Having my nice summer glow before the official start of summer is awesome. Sunday was all about, lunch, soccer, playing cards, tv...very mellow but that's what he wanted!
I will check out your Mingle Monday!
Awww Pogs...the memories I worked in a toy store in high schoool. loved them!