Please stop by for a gander and tell them I sent you over... you're visit will completely make their day!

Weekly Must Reads
Chloe @ Tryin' To Throw My Arms Around the World
I could go on about dear Chloe's blog forever and ever... it's wonderful! If you ever need some daily optimism or encouragement, this blog is the place to be. Always chalked full of great information and fun things, you won't be sorry. Not to mention her amazing giveaway right now!
Casey @ Poodleism
I don't think I have ever laughed harder at a blo post than when I've read Poodleism. I love this girl! Her sassy writing style and hilarious stories always leave me wanting more! My favorite: Friday News Flash!
Natasha @ Natasha's Corner
I am so happy I found her blog! Chalked full of wonderfulness - I look forward to a new random post everyday! Random in my book is amazing! Not to mention her blog layout and colors are absolutely adorable! Please stop by and show her some love!
Thank you to all of you beautiful readers who are passing the word on about Mingle Monday! It's growing quickly, which means more followers for all of you!! AWESOME!
Want to find out how YOU can be a Weekly Must Read? Click here for details and we'll see you next Monday to mingle it up!
Happy Thursday Pretties!

** If I missed any must reads, it's because I didn't get a comment from you leaving your URL {oopsie!}. Be sure to leave it next week and I'll happily put you in the running! :) **
Thanks! So sweet, but you're the real blog hero for setting up the whole mingle! Love!
ReplyDeleteOk I've been stalking your blog for that past hour trying to find that song you posted a million years ago when your boyfriend was away for the week. I remember loving it so much and now that I'm away from JT i feel like listening to it, but I can't find it anywhere!! SOS!!!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad I found your blog...first of all, because it's GREAT but also because you share such great stuff! Love it!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for mentioning my blog!!! Sorry, my post have been minimal lately, I'll be doing better once I have my mini vacation next week!! Hoping to make it a staycation, should be awesome!