Sending you the warmest of wishes from lovely KC. As I was driving in to work this morning, I heard that we are predicted to get up to 20 inches of standing snow here in the metro area... CRAZY!
{ Moving on to Mingle Monday! }
Whether you are a Mingle vetran or a wonderful newbie, lety me personally welcome you to Mingle Monday, my weekly hosted blog hop. I couldn't be more happy that you stopped by to hang out on this fabulous Monday morning!
Who's excited to Mingle it up? Let's get YOUR blog growing!
Let's let everyone know how much fun we're having! Please pay it forward by using the button below in one of your posts today. I can't tell you how much it MAKES MY DAY when I see posts with the Mingle Monday button in it... you guys are seriously the BEST!

How To Mingle:
1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.
2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.
3) Go visit 2 other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!
4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!
5) Feel free to answer the weekly question...
** What is your ideal Valentine's Day? **
** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **
** Open until Wednesday at midnight (CST) **
Wishing you a beautiful week!

Weekly Question:
ReplyDeleteMy ideal Valentine's Day is a low-stress, highly meaningful alone time with my sweet BF. As always, I would love to dress up and go out for dinner, but a nice low-key evening of snuggling and spending time together afterward sounds amazing. :)
Thanks for being here!!
I'll be back later today to read some new blogs once a few more people link up!
ReplyDeleteLast V-Day was my favorite ever - my husband and I bought each other a new set of patio furniture, and then we sat out on our newly furnished balcony with our glasses of wine and just relaxed. It was LOVELY (it's actually really nice outside in the evenings in February in Texas! Haha).
Blonde Undercover: I love how much she loves her cats! I may not be a cat person, but I love it when people love their pets!
ReplyDeleteSpirals & Spatuals: Ha! I grew up in Chicago so I can totally relate to her traffic stories. And I feel like I live in my car too!
Question of the Week: My ideal Valentines Day would be to spend time with my close friends. We would be each others Valentines, because love is more than just romantic love! We would give each other gifts, go out for coffee and maybe a nice meal. Movies are good too! Like a big group date without all of the drama of BFs and GFs.
My ideal Valentines Day would def be spending time with the hubs at home in our pjs with our favorite chinese take out and a great romantic movie on the tube:)
ReplyDeleteSpirals and Spatulas is a really cute blog, she has been dealing with some major traffic delays in her big city....where I live yea so don't have that kind of traffic, the beauty of small towns. I also checked out Blonde Undercover and she was posting about the love for her cats. Really cute pics of the lil guys!!
Hi Meg! Thanks again for hosting Mingle Monday. It makes Mondays a bit more bearable...
ReplyDeleteToday I visited The Elephant's Trunk, who has some really adorable jewelry up and her layout is beautiful!
I also visited Undercover Blonde, who posted some really cute bows and ribbons (I wish I were that creative...).
And I would have to say that my perfect Valentine's Day would just be a quiet evening, getting a nice dinner and coming back home for cuddling and husand (then boyfriend) and I missed out on Valentine's Day while we were in college because I was always on a school trip during Valentine's Day week. But we are excited to spend it together this year!
Thanks again Meg!
Love is Home is so adorable! Her weekend post had so many great things on it. I am applying to law school right now & she was also a law school applicant.
ReplyDeleteDesperately Seeking Starbucks shares my love for coffee and reading! I love her post about the movie "The Social Network"
I think that my ideal Valentines Day would be a relaxing night in with my boyfriend.
I visited "words by Katie" and I love the colors on her layout! And I visited "Bird in Boots" and she has the cutest photos of her dog in today's post! awwwww
ReplyDeleteI visited A Life So Lovely...her blog is precious and I adore her wedding photo! I also stopped by Blogging in PA...her blog, You Can't Google Everything is wonderful! And I LOVE her 30 Before 30 list!
ReplyDeleteHi Meg! Thanks for hosting this beauty.
ReplyDeleteShin Guards and Tutus...Jessame has the cutest hair bands, you all should check them out. Can't wait to see the Etsy lady you will do fabulously.
Where We Love is Home...first kisses are always so awkward! So glad you found your prince. So sweet.
My ideal V-Day would be home made heart shaped cookies, warm woolies cuddled up with my man-just being us. Now I've got to find that man!
Hi Meg!
ReplyDeleteStopped by-Shin Guards and Tutus--very cute blog-she is starting an adorable etsy shop!
and A Life so Lovely where there is a fabulous giveaway going on!!
My ideal Valentine's: something quiet at home!
Happy Monday Meg!
ReplyDeleteI visited 25 before 25 and she has a great post up about things she loved and didn't love this weekend. She made me wish I was closer to an Ikea! The other blog I visited was Shin Guards and Tutus. This is a cute blog! She's in the process of starting her own Etsy shop with some really cute hair accessories.
My ideal Valentine's Day is to just spend it with my love! I think we're going to spend the night in, cook, and watch movies together. In the 5 1/2 years we've been together, we've never spent Valentine's Day together! Crazy!
ReplyDeleteI just visited "Love is Home" where she wrote about her first kiss at age fifteen and then her first love. While reading, it brought back many memories for me! Great read!
My Ideal Valentines Day - spending the evening with my hubby! We usually have dinner at home for Valentines to avoid the crowds at restaurants. Doesn't matter to me...I just want to spend time with him! :)
I visited Spirals & Spatulas. I love that she's a fellow Houstonian and I look forward to keeping up with her!
ReplyDeleteI also visited Living in That Blonde Moment and I enjoyed her 10 Things That Make You Laugh list.
My Ideal Valentines Day- It would involve mass amounts of laziness with my hubby. Reading a book, drinking some wine, watching a movie.
Thanks for the linky! Your button is on my sidebar :)
ReplyDeleteI checked our bird in boots because of the cute icon and found a most delicious looking butterscotch apple crisp - yum!
...and check out 25 before 25 for a ikea and target purveyor with LOTS of to-do lists! :)
Valentine's day is all about spending it the one or ones you love, a quite day, maybe at the beach (the 13th's got to do this year, being it's a Sunday), but then maybe a nice dinner with my hubby on the actual day Monday!
ReplyDeleteToday I visited "The Bird in Boots" and she posted about her beagle Abby, cute!
Also visited Words by Katie is a very nice blog, she posted about the movie Inception and dancing on the weekend!
Oh my goodness...thanks everyone for stopping by! I'm getting so many fabulous comments from Mingle Monday and I love it! You are all too sweet :)
ReplyDeleteMuch love,
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI visited Words by Katie & Love is Home. Katie had a fun-filled weekend with movies and dancing. Plus, I love her blog layout!
ReplyDeleteJoelle from Love is Home shared her first kiss/first love stories. Very cute, especially the second.
As for my ideal Valentine's, can't really say I have an idea. Maybe just a relaxing day with my fiance', nice dinner at home. Nothing too cheesy.
I live in Springfield, and I'm headed up to see my brother in KC this weekend. I think I may have to dig my way there!
ReplyDeleteToday I visited Embrace the Moment and the Corrals, two new blogs that I love!!
ReplyDeleteMy ideal Valentine's day would be a relaxing night at home with the hubby with a nice dinner and maybe some wine, flowers would be a good addition too. :)
I stopped by Blonde...Undercover she had a post about her first time at almost made me think I could give it a try...almost.
ReplyDeleteand Birds in Boots she has up a cute post about her dog Abby!
I don't really have an ideal Valentine's day, I rather not go out to dinner that night because everything is so busy! This year I have a test that night so that's less than ideal. :)
I am a new follower from FTLOB. I love all the blog hops.
ReplyDeleteI stopped by ShinGuard and Tutus... very cute blog... and I loved her hair accessories.
A life so lovey is adorable. I love hearing stories of love and life.
My ideal Valentine's day would be... hmmm... maybe home cooked dinner. My husband and I are not much for celebrating V-day.
My ideal Valentine's day would be an entire day spent with my love but I don't think i'll ever get that lucky with our work schedules. So ideally i'd love a sweet card and staying in cooking dinner together :)
ReplyDeleteI clicked over to Words by Katie, and she has the cutest blog layout! Plus she shares my name and my love for Modern Family. Perfect!
ReplyDeleteI also stopped by Out of My Mind - such hilarious chronicles of all the silly things that happen to her! She made me laugh. :)
I stopped by A Life so Lovely and LOVED her awesome cloth wreath she made. I dig awesome wreaths!
ReplyDeleteI also stopped by Spirals and Spatulas and think her extremely inventive with her photos hoot in stopped traffic. Why didn't I think of that? :)
Happy Monday, all!
ok....joined....posted button....visited several (read from 1-4 on each):
I already follow this gal. Her posts are interesting, fun and cover a wide variety of subjects. I would recommend her to anyone.
Funny, animal loving newlywed with a lot of good ideas.
Cute, bright and interesting. Delightful and sweet.
Interesting, practical, and inviting.
very versatile with a wide variety of information for just about everyone
fascinating mind with a lot of unusual ideas
Wow, some of these young bloggers are very creative
I have to stop for a while because those AWFUL verification words are starting to get to me.
Following you from Monday's hop. Enjoy the day!
ReplyDeleteDebbie from
Perfect Valentine's Day? Watching a movie at the movie theater & eating a home cooked meal~~
ReplyDeleteToday I visited Happy Girls are the Prettiest Girls. I love her blog in general. There's a lot dedicated to Audrey Hepburn, which I love! The blog name is also superb.
I also visited The Corral's~ I love the layout & the quote shared for the latest entry. The text is really cute.
Perfect Valentine's Day? Making no plans til the last minute. Total spontaneity(sp?) Having a boyfriend that loves me for me. Surprise plans. I like surprises and spontaniaity.
ReplyDeleteI checked out My Own Little Corner who has some mad cake decorating skills, I'm officially jealous (:
I also headed over to It's In the Adventure, who has a love of hockey that might actually rival mine, I LOVE HOCKEY!!! Woo hoo!
Can't wait for next Monday (:
LOVED sprials and spatulas recipes! they all look delcious. now following her blog. good stuff! xoxo jcd
ReplyDeleteHey, I'm new to Mingle Monday! This is such a cool Blog Hop - I like reading everyone's uplifting comments :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Girls are the Prettiest Girls - I love the spirit of the blog, especially the fun photos in the header!
Create Meaning - Adorable design, and really thoughtful posts.
Throw the Starfish Back - Hilarious recap of The Bachelor, my guilty pleasure ;)
Relevant Notes: Love her faith-based, creative blog! I can totally relate to her stories when I was a student/intern. Keep up the creative writing!
ReplyDeleteVA Beach Housewife: All I have to say is go with option #2! How adorable are you and your family! Congrats on all the wonderful things you have going and I have no doubt that your little man's birthday party will be a great success (I know this because you sound I, like you, planned my own wedding therefore we know exactly what goes into planning a HUGE event!)
Question of the week: I think Valentine's day puts too much unnecessary pressure on men - so my ideal Valentines Day would be to make dinner together, and simply spend some QT with my husband. In the midst of all the things we do on a daily basis, no material item can compare to QT.
Hello, Meg and all you other Minglers out there.
ReplyDeleteThis week I visited The Bird in Boots and learned about how her adorable little beagle came into her life. She also had recipes for some yummy desserts that I might have to try.
I also visited Cornflake Dreams. I love all the pictures and I'm always a sucker for blogs about fashion, travel and design.
Good work, ladies!
In regards to Valentine's Day, I'm single so I guess the perfect V-day would be staying home and out of range of all the clatter. I'm kind of like the Scrooge of V-day!
I loved the positive attitude of Jessica Brown at an inner voice and love message from simplymedb about an important issue - Don't text while driving!!
ReplyDeleteMy ideal Valentine's day is a quiet evening at home and my husband cooks dinner:)
Hello my gorgeous friend!
ReplyDeleteI visited Love Everyday and thought her son was just way too stinkin' cute.
LOVED A nest for all seasons and all of her tutorials, but couldn't figure out how to leave a comment.
Stopped by Blonde Undercover....she lives in Texas, and talked about places I have been too...what a small world. Also, her dad won a one ever wins things like that, do they? Oh they do...just not people like me!
ReplyDeleteAlso stopped and checked out Synfully Delicious...she has the same instant-towels as I have just purchased, only she warned people not to eat them...I never thought of that, and now I am paranoid about them. I guess I should have read directions like she did!
My husband and I don't celebrate Valentine's Day...we celebrate St. Patrick's Day. We can always get a reservation!
Hello everyone!
ReplyDeleteI checked out an inner voice and learned about how society has lost the old school manners.
Bowling Adventures - she's participating in the Pink Swap from KappaPrep too! Super excited to see what she comes up wih!
Thanks again for hosting Meg! My idea Valentine's day would be to have a nice romantic dinner at home with candles and soft music. I like things low-key.
ReplyDeleteThe 2 blogs I wanted to share that I visted today are:
-- Bloggin in PA -- her blog makes me totally want to go to the beach!
-- Embrace the Moment -- Cute blog and love the little pup in the header!
Newest follower. thanks for hosting. Ideal Valentines Day? I would just like the day with no Mommy Responsibilities. Just time to do what I with no responsibilities.
Would love for you to stop by and follow back :-)
Thanks again for hosting:)
ReplyDeleteStopped by Spirals and Spatulas...she made much better use of her stuck in traffic time than I do.
Also visited Clean Sheets Sundays...very cute photo commentary.
As avid eat-outers, we try to spend Valentines by switching it up instead and going out for dessert instead. We'll sit at the bar somewhere (last year was Ruth Chris), split a dessert and some wine ( not last year obviously). Well, at least that's what we used to do...this will be our first year trying to celebrate with baby boy, so who knows
Yaaay Mingle Monday! ;)
ReplyDeleteI visited City Girl Chronicles who seems to be struggling with some tough times right now which we can all understand. We've all been there. She has a really cute blog, and although I came across her blog at a bad time, I'm sure she has great, uppity blogs too, so I followed! :)
I also stopped by Embrace the Moment who is wishing the time away b/c her man is working everyday until tax season is over!! Can you imagine?! Yuck! I followed her as well. :)
I am so excited to participate in Mingle Monday. I visited 25 Before 25 and Greer's Gossip, both great blogs. Thanks for hosting.
ReplyDeletelove this link up!!!
ReplyDeletei visited jessica at an inner voice. i love her outlook on life when things don't always work out as planned.
i also stopped by the sweet life. stephanie's new niece is too cute for words! looking forward to following both lovely ladies =)
It's Mingle Monday! I went to Blonde...Undercover Blonde. I just had to find out about her first Zumba class. It sounds like she had a great time; and I love her blog layout.
ReplyDeleteNext I went to My Own Little Corner and all I can say is "nom-nom-nom"! She has a whole section devoted to her cake decorating skills and they are amazing!! I like the stars on her layout as well (I'm thinking an homage to her shoes?)
Hey Meg, happy snow day!! I bloggeg about MM as usual over on my site, can't help it, gotta share the love!
ReplyDeleteMy ideal Valentine's day? Just like any other day of the year for me, I boycott this particular Hallmark Holiday ;)
This week I visited Brunch with Amber and City Girl Chronicles.
Amber has a snow day today like you. I was jealous of all your snowed in not working folks for a split second, then I remembered it's 60 degrees and sunny here in Northern California, so I went back to being smug ;)
City Girl is showcasing two awesome jewelry designers on her latest post, and the pieces are so cool! I may have to start shopping them soon!
Hey just came over to mingle monday and I must say I;m sure glad I did!
ReplyDeleteThe two blogs I found this week were "This Life of Ours" {GREAT HOUSE! Can't wait to see what else they do!} and "Twentyfive before Twentyfive" {What a greatt concept!!! Kinda like a bucket list!}
Thanks for hosting Meg!
Thanks for hosting this awesome hop!
ReplyDeleteTwo of my fav blogs that I read are Tri-ing to be Athletic. I love reading her stories!
I also loved Happy Girls are the Prettiest. She had lots of Audrey featured on the first page-- who wouldn't love that!
Meggggg! My favorite day of the weeeeek! I hate when I've worked the night before because I miss the Mingle Monday post while I'm sleeping. I'm not okay at being at the end :(
ReplyDeleteI'm currently reading Blonde...Undercover Blonde. LOVE it. She just recently posted about Zumba, which I've been comtemplating for a few weeks now. I'm excited to keep reading hers!
And I must include two of my old favorites that I found through you... Life with the Edwards and Words by Katie! Two of my favorite daily reads. Everyone needs to go follow them :)
The ideal Valentine's Day? Robert Pattinson, Jake Gyllenhaal, or Ashton Kutcher show up at my door with a box of chocolates and a bottle of wine and whisk me off to Paris for the night. It could happen, right??
Happy Tuesday, sweet friend!