I looked at my giant work calendar this morning and I think it's going to take me awhile to comprehend that it's 2011?! Way back in elementary school, 2011 seemed like the year that people would be living on Mars and eating astronaut ice cream or something? Can I get an Amen? Anyone...?
I digress.
Anyway, new or old, I am so glad you decided to stop by this morning for a little fun! If you haven't been here before, it's easy! Read the directions below and you'll be gaining followers and discovering new blogs like crazy!
Let's let everyone know how much fun we're having! Please pay it forward by using the button below in one of your posts today. Naturally, we want all of our favorite peeps to join us, so let's start the new year party right!

How To Mingle:
1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.
2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.
3) Go visit 2 other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!
4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!
5) Feel free to answer the weekly question...
** What are your 2011 resolutions? **
** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **
** Open until Wednesday at midnight (CST) **
Happy Monday to you, Dolls!!

Ha! I love the comment on living on Mars. Too funny!
ReplyDeleteMy resolutions are to memorize two Bible verses a month. I'm doing Beth Moore's Siesta Scripture Memory Team and we'll memorize 24 verses this year. I'm also going to read the entire Bible in one year. I'm excited about both of these!
I got so excited about Mingle Monday, I forgot to answer my own weekly question...
ReplyDeleteMy New Year's Resolution?
{ Be Genuine }
Yes, I know... what does that mean, right? Click below and I'll fill you in...
I checked out Life with The Edwards - I definitely appreciate reading the perspective and life of another woman in her twenties who is married!
ReplyDeleteI also checked out I Dream Loudly, which had a great yoga/love poem recently, and also chose to do a lovely photo montage of things they want to do in 2011 rather than the usual list of New Years resolutions.
I am not so great with New Years Resolutions so I am doing something a little different... I am giving up a few of my favorite things for the next 30 days in the hopes that it will help me develop good habits for the rest of the year. We shall see how it goes!
ReplyDeleteI checked out Synfully Delicious - it was so cute! Loved her pictures from NYE! Her dress was so cute!
I also looked at Simple Little Joys - I love that Rachel and I share a love for Pretty Little Liars! She also encouraged me to read a book that my mom got for Christmas once she is done with it!
Hope your new year has started out wonderfully! :)
Hello! I read Bird in the Boots and JHP
ReplyDeleteJHP is challenging herself to take one picture a day for the entire year of 2011, so she has 365 pictures by the end of the year. Such a great idea and great challenge. I may just have to start in on that as well!
Bird in the Boots is challenging herself to read more books for 2011, which is such a great idea. She has a great list going already.
Such inspiring bloggers!
I visited Birds in the Boots and Saying I Do. Birds in the Boots has a great post about the books she wants to read. I love that! I'm always looking for new reads.
ReplyDeleteSaying I Do wrote about finding a florist for her upcoming wedding. I love all things wedding and I loved getting to read what she thought!
Both are lovely blogs!
Hi Meg! I stopped by the Bird in Boots and Jessica Hester Photography, and both had posts about books!
ReplyDeleteOne of my resolutions {or actually, my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days} is to read 101 books, so both posts were helpful! I have quite a list of resolutions for this year, like writing my own book and just being happy with life {and so far, even if it is only the third day of the year}, that second resolution is definitely working out!
Thanks for hosting Mingle Mondays again!
Hi Meg!
ReplyDeleteI visited Her Own Eden and Love is Home-both blogs are reaaallly cute!!
new year's resolutions-I actually blogged about this last week :)
Happy New Year!
I love life with the Edwards!!She is so cute!
ReplyDeleteNew years resolution number one: catch up on all those baby blankets for my niece and nephew!
Happy New Year Meg! I visited Nesheaholic.om and Love is Home. Neshaholic is basically about a young, married woman sharing her views on life/ certain topics and Love is Home shares really great recipes and organization tips, etc. Both very inspirational!
ReplyDeleteI don't make resolutions for the New Year, whatever change I need to make I try to act right then and there!
Happy 2011 everyone! Thanks again Meg for hosting. Today I visited:
ReplyDelete-- Saying I do (just picked a florist and has a funny centerpiece idea)
-- Life with the Edwards (seems we have some of the same goals this year)
-- Love is home (yummy meat loaf recipe)
My overall goal for 2011 is to have a good work/life balance. I have blogged about individual goals to get that way, so feel free to stop by and check it out.
Hey! Happy New Year bloggy buddy!
ReplyDelete- Happy Girls are the Prettiest Girls: I'm excited about a new blog to check out, I love her uplifting attitude!
- Love is Home: beautiful layout and delicious recipe tip today! I can't wait to read more!
- Mingle Monday Shout out: http://www.poodleism.com/2011/01/miscellany-monday.html
- New Years resolutions: This is a tricky topic for me right now....top of the list is to get back into my healthy routine after a debaucherous few weeks of holiday. :(
I checked out
ReplyDeleteKimchee chronicles- so fun! I love how enthusiastic she is, plus she had lots of pics. Loved it!
Bird in the boots- loved how diverse this blog was. She talked a little about everything, but it all went together well!
I didnt make a resolution, but I have a goal for the year to run 1000+ miles, which started on the first, so kind of a resolution I guess!
Happy 2011! I visited:
ReplyDeleteHappy Girls are the Prettiest Girls -- and isn't that so true. She started a new blog for 2011 and it looks like it's gonna be a good one!
JHP -- She is going to take 365 photos in 2011, one a day. I love that. I love when a single picture can capture a moment, or even a full day.
I wrote about my resolutions here: http://wfayew.blogspot.com/2011/01/get-outta-here-2010.html
Happy Monday everyone!
ReplyDeleteMeg, love your blog!
I followed Happy Girl- So cute! And she loves Audrey. BFFS? yes. ;)
I also followed Fayesbook- Love love love the bachelor and I won't be able to watch it because of school so thank you girl for blogging about it!
Resolutions? Hmm.. I have a few.. 13 to be exact. Stop by my blog for Wednesday 13!
Happy New Year everyone!
ReplyDeleteThis week I visited:
*AOG Daily: Her most recent post includes some reviews of current movies that I've been wanting to see. Very helpful! :)
*Watch MeGo Run: A great blog documenting her runs to 1000 miles! Great inspiration for the new year.
And as far as my resolutions this year...most of them involve getting my body ready for someday having a baby (so basically getting in the best shape I can!). I'm also working on getting more sleep, and having a more grateful attitude.
Just linked up but have to run off to make dinner so I'll be back later with comments on the blogs I vist. Thank you again for hosting. I love this monday hop.As for resolutions well we're working on themes this year and try to make them relevant to what we do...Hubby had tranquility but didn't get past day one with it. Me, I'm going for 'change':)
ReplyDeleteHope 2011 brings you much happiness.
Happy 2011!!!
ReplyDelete-- A beautiful ride: described her "non-goals", I'm against resolutions and call them life changes instead :)
--Guinn and Bare it - She's in Alaska! She also talked about beer bits. Mental note, google that!
I'm making my resolution to get a good balance between work/school and personal life. I'm taking on alot this semester and want to make sure I make it out alive!
I visited:
ReplyDeleteHappy Girl: Looking forward to her blog-- she started "Happy Girl" to separate her personal life from her work/business life.
Life at Home: Her latest post is about Food Network's show "Worst Cook in America". My hubby and I love that show-- it is hilarious! Looking forward to more posts from her!
My "resolution" for 2011 is to be more optimistic!
Hi Meg!
ReplyDeleteToday I followed Bird In Boots, which was a new read for me. She has a really cute blog and some great resolutions for 2011.
I also read VB Housewife - i love that she is already counting down til spring break :)
My resolution is to be less obsessive compulsive over the little things. My 2011 motto is "It is, what is - just deal with it!"
I found "Fayesbook" who shares my love of the Bachelor, so I'm super excited. And I also checked out "Her Own Eden" who looks so fun.
ReplyDeleteGlad I found both these girls through my first Mingle Monday!
I visited JHP and am so jealous of her camera skills!
ReplyDeleteI also visited Guinn and Bare It and enjoy reading about another military wife!
Hi! I visited Kimchee Chronicles and great blog and will follow her to hopefully motivate her in her 10k coming up. I also visited Stay Calm Cupcake and who doesn't love cupcakes!! Her blog was very calming with the colors she used and so very clean looking (is what comes to mind). Can't wait to try some of her recipes!
ReplyDeleteMy resolution for this New Year is to have more time and patience for me and my family and to train as hard as I can for a 1/2 marathon.
Thanks for sharing Mingle Monday! :o)
I checked out Love is Home and Words by Katie. I love both of them! So excited for more posts by them.
ReplyDeleteMy resolutions this year are to train for and compete in at least one triathlon, and develop nice shoulders and bum ;) Also have some businessy goals to achieve which should be challenging.
ReplyDeleteI visited Watch MegO Run, and I am so thrilled about her chronicling her running to 1000 miles. It's super inspirational to me :)
Also checked out Love is Home, and I enjoyed her ideas of where she would like to take her blog in 2011, can't wait!
Happy New Year! I visited Happy Girl who has a brand new blog and I can't wait to see more from her! And Stay Calm Have a Cupcake! I can't wait to try out some of her recipes!
ReplyDeleteHi! First, I visited Poodelism-she's a girl after my own heart with her peanut butter cookies and nail polish!
ReplyDeleteThen I hopped over to Words by Katie- I love her idea of 101 things to do in 1001 days! So fun!
My resolution is to run 5 5ks this year!
Hey there:).
ReplyDeleteToday I visited fayesbbok and thought it was a really funny read. Love the way she writes
Also visited simple little joys. She was about to start the Jillian michaels 30 day shred, so I got super excited. I love/hate that darn DVD
Yea for Mingle Mondays!
ReplyDeleteI am now following JHP - love her project of taking a picture everyday.
I am also following Life with the Edwards - Such a cute fun blog!
My resolution is to be healthy!!!!
I stopped by Missy Salsa's blog, and loved reading about her NYE appetizer dinner.
ReplyDeleteAlso stopped Life Withe The Edwards, where I learned about beer weenies. Both lovely blogs!
Thanks for hosting Mingle Monday, Meg!
My new years resolution is running 2 1/2 marathons before June! I don't run - and I'm off to a great start!
ReplyDeleteI checked out Saying I Do - Congrats on booking a florist!
I checked out Life with the Edwards and her fantastic book selections of 2010!
Happy New Years everyone - hope 2011 is Splendid!
First off, I got my mittens in the mail today...and HELLO, you know me all too well to add chocolate in there, too! Totally made my day. The mittens are PRESH and I can't wait to wear them :)
ReplyDeleteSecond off, it's the best day of the week again. And I tooootally wanted to be picked for your blog shoutouts last week :) This week I visited Words by Katie and Happy Girls are the Prettiest. I can already tell I'm going to love Words by Katie just by her Bachelor post...total similar interests :) and Happy Girls are the Prettiest has a new blog for 2011, and I love that idea for a new start! Following both of them :)
Hope your day has been wonderful, sweet Meg. I don't do resolutions, but I just want to be as happy and healthy as possible in 2011 :)
I visited Her Own Eden and loved her cute post in honor of her bestie's birthday - Especially since her bff's name is Alex, just like mine! :)
ReplyDeleteI also visited Love is Home and just loved her blog! The quote in her header/the name of her blog is one of my very favorites!
Ugh, resolutions lol My main resolution is to strengthen my walk with God. There were a few sub resolutions that fell under that one, but we'll stick to that one. I wrote about it on my blog :)
ReplyDeleteToday I visited Cassie from Twenty Something in the City. She seems so down to earth. She's getting into the world of online dating-I hope she keeps us up to date about the fun stories that always stem from online dating.
I also visited Faysbook...that girl is just like me about The Bachelor-scoping out the girls, make general assumptions about them, then read their bio's then criticize and make fun of them LOL I love this girl!
I checked out JHP. Love the coffee cups! Before I even clicked on the link and knew it was a photo blog I loved the picture. It could be framed in my kitchen!
ReplyDeleteI also visited Watch Mego Run. I am a runner too but the Holidays and weather have slowed me down. Her blog makes me want to get my running shoes out tomorrow morning!
I am also super excited for Happy Girl's new blog!
It's been a while since I've Mingled on a Monday (even though it's Tuesday). I just checked out 25 Before 25 and Christy's blog is so cute! The buttons she has for links are adorable and her 2010 recap showed that she's one busy lady! Checking off things on a list is awesome and I'm looking forward to seeing what else she comes up with.
ReplyDeleteCarrie at OvercomingFoodIssue is a new blogger. I'm all for the newbies! From what she's written so far, I predict some funny and heartwarming stories as she figures herself out. I especially like any conversations involving funny things that kids say -- I hope she keeps posting those!
Thanks for hosting Meg! As for New Years Resolutions...I don't make 'um! Haha.
I visited Words by Katie and Happy Girls are Pretty Girls. They are great! I really enjoyed their fresh perspectives and good looking blogs. I love Audrey Hepburn.
Yay Mingle Monday! I visited Jennie over at Well Shut The Front Door! and laughed over our mutual disdain for Pajama jeans. Seriously...those things are just not okay. Haha.
ReplyDeleteI also stopped by Cassie's blog, Twenty-Something in the City and was inspired to critsize others less. What a great reminded as we being a brand new year. :)
And speakinggg of the new year, my only new years resolution can be found on my blog, a steady stream of chatter (http://andrea-townsend.blogspot.com). Holla! Happy New Year, y'all!
Happy Monday..uh Tuesday!
ReplyDeleteI visited Kimchee Chronicles, where I drooled over the deliciously unhealthy snacks she couldn't help herself from buying at the store.
Then I drooled some more over at Stay Calm Cupcake and her magnificent recipes. I think I have some sort of food theme going on...or maybe I'm just hungry...
As for my resolutions...I never typically make these because I always feel destined to fail, but I think I will continue to do the eat right/work out bit [and stay committed to working out!] as well as be less critical. Oh yes, and I also want to make more of an effort in my job, or maybe even find one that I actually like!
LOVE mingle Monday!
ReplyDeleteStopped by Throw back that star fish
and 20 Something!
Hi All,
ReplyDeleteI stopped by I'd Rather Be Reading because I'm an avid reader too, so she's a girl after my own heart! And I also stopped by Happiest Girls Are The Prettiest Girls. She talked about Bob Harper's super hard workout which I can totally appreciate.
Hey everyone! I stopped by Fayesbook who had a awesome overview of all the contestants on the bachelor. Love it! Can't wait for that show to be in full swing. Also I visited Happy Girls are the Prettiest Girls. Shes a new blogger! So everyone should stop by and say hello!
ReplyDeleteThis week I stopped by:
ReplyDeleteWatch MeGo Run - LOVE reading about her running experience since one of my goals this year is to do a 5K.
Words by Katie - Her blog is really fun - love all of the pictures.
Probably my biggest New Year's resolution (or as I like to call them - goals) is to train for and run a 5K. I'm signing up for one in March as motivation to get going!