Semi-unfortunately, it wasn't the gross barfy flu that would have aided my pounds lost on Weekly Weigh-in. That being said, I am super thankful it wasn't afterall, and I am happy to be feeling quite a bit better!
So I weighed myself this morning, and I was almost positive it would be more. My clothes are fitting differently and all, but sadly it was not.
I am not sure if the lack of weight loss is partially due to the fact that I've been eating a copius amount of sodium-laden soup and crackers for the last 2-3 days, but I am happy it was a loss of some kind.
{ Total Weight Loss = 1.1 lbs }

So of course, I am chugging my water today trying to get rid of all the sodium sitting in my system before my Weight Watchers meeting tonight. As soon as I can get myself all the way healthy in the next few days, I will be returning to the gym for more lunch time workouts!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels! ;)