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April 13, 2011

Weekly Weigh-In: Week 9

My scale won't budge!!
Darn it all to heck, no big news this morning. I half expected it after my brother was in town all weekend and we ate out constantly (ew).

I've been hitting it hard at the gym, so that I can keep pushing through to my next goal. I have told myself this is zero tolerance time. I am in my best friend's wedding in 2 months, so that means I have 8 weeks to get into bridesmaid shape! The fastest way to get there is cut out empty calories, extra carbs, eat fresh and up my workouts!

Due to crunch time, this also means no extras, no junk, no adult beverages, no excuses. There are only so many "my diet starts tomorrow" excuses until you're no longer comfortable in your clothes right? Right! So I'm ready to kick it in to extra high gear!

{ Weekly Weight Loss = 0 lbs }

{ Total Weight Loss = 6.2 lbs }

I really need to keep better track in my food journal of absolutely everything so that I don't forget about those little extras! I mean that glass of wine and that cookie always seem to miss my food journal... hmmm.

I also need to be extra careful and get my workouts in while I'm on vacation this weekend! Healthy snacks are needed for our 8 hour car ride and my running shoes/iPod are coming too!

Any help/tips/advice?
I need to focus and I just know you ladies have some awesome tricks of the trade!

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!

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