At first I wasn't really sure where, but I just need to get the heck out of dodge. I want to feel the sun on my face and the wind in my hair. The rush of exploring a new place. I love that feeling that adventuring brings so very much.
Well, my Daddy called this weekend and wants to plan a little vacacy with the fam + BF + a few friends to the Lake of the Ozarks! I am ridiculously excited and am counting down the days! Unforutnately... I'm still craving more adventure.
It finally occured to me where my new destination should be after watching my favorite movie, (500) Days of Summer. One of my favorite parts is that beautifully filmed scene where Summer and Tom are on the train laughing in the dining car as the sun is setting.
So needless to say, BF and I are thinking we need to take a little trip this fall (or spring?)... by train!

Naturally, since fall is my absolute favorite season, I would love to adventure hand-in-hand then.
I can just see us together... grabbing coffee, playing board games, and watching the train pass the gorgeous gold and crimson leaves on the trees. Wouldn't that be such a fun memory?

Luckily enough, Chicago is only a 7 hour train ride (and super inexpenive). Adam's sister, Meredith, and her BF live in Madison and would be close enough to meet us in the city for a fun weekend.
We absolutely love spending time with them, and it would be so fun to experience the city together! Oh a girl can dream...

Of course, with a million more family and friend weddings this summer/fall, the dream trip is still in talk. Hopefully we can find some time that would work for all 4 of us! I'm too excited for it to potentially not happen! ;)
BF is probably reading this and shaking his head - haha!
(I tend to get really excited about little ideas.)
Anyway, here is one of my all-time favorite songs paired with (500) Days of Summer. You will catch a glimpse of that gorgeous train scene at the very beginning... *sigh*
I may have to watch the movie tonight...
So tell me, have any of you been on a train adventure? I am dying to hear your stories/advice!