I hope your week is off to a great start so far! As I listen to the music stylings of Norah Jones, it's storming like crazy here in the big Kansas City metro! BUT rain is my favorite!
I am loving the rumble of the thunder and watching the raindrops stream down my office dormer windows. There is such rainy day charm from my third floor view in our renovated historic building office.
The only downside to this rainy day was that it was nearly impossible to wake up this morning. Even my little Bella Beast was sleepy! For once in my life she wasn't standing on top of me when my alarm went off. In fact that sleepy puppy didn't even want to budge. Case in point...

Pretty cute, huh? Yup, I should've just stayed home to cuddle! :)
{ Alright, let's get to it! }
Pretty Pretty Please...
Pass on the Mingle love. Tell a friend. Tell your mom. Just spread the word in some way (any way!) today. If you do, I will buy you your very own snuggly puppy and bake you some homemade gooey chocolate chip cookies!
{ Deal? }

How To Mingle:
1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.
2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.
3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!
4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!
5) Answer the weekly question...
** What do you have left on your summer fun list?! **
** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **
Wishing you a beautiful week full of unexpected surprises!
Hugs! Kisses!

Happy Monday! Hmm not sure about my next diy...
ReplyDeleteI visited Going the Distance - she's got some great movie reviews today!
I visited Relevant Notes and Misery. They both had some really great photos on there, and great stories too!
ReplyDeleteI think my next DIY project is going to be a painting. ;)
Hi Meg, it's been a while since I have joined in on you Mingle Monday... I'm looking forward to finding some new blogs. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I miss KC - except the humidity!!
I'm gearing up for our trip to Canada! That's the last and best thing on my summer list. {super excited!!}
ReplyDeleteThank you for hosting, sweet Meg.
Happy Happy Monday!
ReplyDeleteI visited Going the Distance. I'm a fellow Harry Potter fan and agreed with her movie review :)
I have big plans for an easy DIY project.
Summer Fun Item Left - Fun visit from Houston friends in 3 weeks! so excited!!
ReplyDeleteThrow the starfish back - eats RAW macaroni – learned that from her current photography challenge today! :-) Love her background…
This is something Infinitely Interesting - has a funny cartoon up and an upcoming trip to Europe ahead – so jealous!
Left on my summer fun list is multiple trips to the beach! Today I visited:
ReplyDeleteRelevant Notes, she had an inspiring story about a rainbow and a car accident changing the way she felt about her road trip
This is Something Infinitely Interesting where she gave a recap of her fun weekend!
This is my first time participating in Mingle Monday! I can't wait to spend some time this summer outside when my fiance and I go on our honeymoon!!!
ReplyDeleteSummer fun list: we're going wedding dress shopping with my BFFs tonight, 'cuz one of them gets married next year! And of course, getting margaritas first. I can't wait!
ReplyDeleteLucy at This Blonde's Life just got engaged (woohoo!) and has her bridal shower this summer. Awesome!
Steph at The Sweet Life posted a "Keep calm and make cupcakes" sign, which is exactly what I need for my kitchen. The funfetti cupcakes look sooo good!
Emily from Throw the Starfish Back is participating in a 30 day photo challenge, and amazingly balanced on a tire swing while taking pictures. I'm impressed.
Lisa at This is Something Infinitely Interesting gets to go to Europe later this summer! Totally envious.
Great blogs this Monday!
I visited Learning Patience where she talked about discovering a love of running, something that she had previously despised! (I can relate!)
ReplyDeleteI also went to Relevant Notes where she discussed having an eye opening experience about certain parts of life. I think we all need those from time to time to keep us in check!
My summer fun list includes attempting to maintain a tan despite the fact that I am back working at school again! hehe
Thanks for hosting the link up! I loved Truly Chic's Adele video and Michelle's tiered stand instructional. What fabulously unique ladies. :)
ReplyDeleteHmm whats left on my summer list??
ReplyDeleteProbably finding/making the cutest apartment decorations and seeing my friends from in town before I head off to school again :) Summer may almost be over here, but I go to school at the beach so I still have another couple months of it there!
Happy Monday everyone! Wonderful blogs today!!
**I love Norah Jones! :)
ReplyDeleteI have yet to go on a summer vacation this year... Jerk Face and I will be planning a quick trip soon!
I stopped by This Blondes Life - she's got some great fall looks!
and The Sweet Life - she had some amazing looking sweets!!
I stopped by
ReplyDeleteLaugh Until Your Cheeks Hurt - feel bad for her moving from dry AZ to humid MO. She has a cute blog with a wide variety of topics.
A Little Bit of This and That - I loved the DYI plate stands! Sweet Tooth Sundays sound sooooo yummy!
Meg your dog is soooo cute! I unfortunately have no future summer plans..maybe a spa trip with my work ladies soon, but that's not really summery.
ReplyDeleteI stopped by the Sweet Life who totally made me want funfetti cupcakes. It wouldn't let me leave a comment on her blog though :(
I also stopped by Life of Love who has a picture of a fort she made! So fun! I haven't done that in such a long time!
Love the clothes on This Blondes Life. Looking forward to buying some Fall fashions.
ReplyDeleteHowdy lady! We are headed to Chicago soon so that will probably be our final destination before football season starts!
ReplyDeleteI stopped by A Little Bit of This & That- Michelle has some seriously awesome DIY ideas and this plate stand is no different! Love this girl and her blog!!
It's raining here in Tampa, too...but I love it...it's so relaxing...
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely, cuddly puppy!
ReplyDeleteFollowing your lovely blog. I am also inviting you to add your blog at Momma's Lounge (http://olahmomma.com/momlounge) where you can shout away, add your business/giveaways, and meet more mom bloggers from allover the world.
Thanks and have a great day!
I'm going to Pittsburgh with my mom on a mini vaca!
ReplyDeleteI stopped by Learning Patience who just wrote about her love/hate relationship with running and Live with Intention who did a beautiful post about being optimistic!
Oh my, that is the cutest pup pic!! :D Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteI visited WhitSpeaks and loved her obsession with Pinterest just like me . :) Plus, her fashion sense is pretty killer.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I haven't done this summer that is a MUST for me is: going to the fair!
ReplyDeleteBut, don't worry- I have plans to go on Saturday! YAY!
:) Have a lovely Monday! I look forward to reading through everyone's blogs when I get a minute this morning! :)
Oh she is so cute! Who wouldn't want to stay and cuddle?
ReplyDeleteMy summer list still has my big family visit, starting this Friday! Woohoo!
I stopped by The Sweet Life where she talked about some mouthwatering desserts.
I also went to This is Something Infinitely Interesting. Lisa was going to hang out with her mom over the weekend and posted a video of an amazing singer doing 'Rolling in the Deep'.
Thanks for hosting, Meg!