Holy cupcakes, friends... today has been a bluuurrrrr!I'm sorry I am just now getting to you over my lunch break (yes, I realize it's 2:45 p.m.). With two of my co-workers on maternity leave for the next 3 months, life around the office has been quite a tad bit overwhelming at times.
Not to mention the face that I got up well before Jesus this morning {hello, 5:55 a.m.} for an oncology board meeting... so I'm a little frazzled.
Luckily, my humble little blog relaxes me, and I seriously can't express to all of you how much I love hearing from you gals! I know I've received so many e-mails asking about my Chicago trip and to see photos {thank you!}, but my camera charger is still MIA. Don't worry,
I WILL find it, dag nabbit!I figured my weekend was filled to the brim of social butterfly-ness, So how about a little recap, eh?

.:: Weekend a la Mode ::.
1) Friday night was totally awesome. Adam and I swung by a chili cook-off festival with one of couple friends, then made our way downtown to a good friend's architecture show. Free wine, heavy {tasty} appetizers, and all of our favorite friends? Yes, please! :)
2) We tailgated with our friends for a few hours on Saturday before the big Sporting KC soccer match that afternoon. The weather was absolutely heavenly, and we loved getting in one last tailgate of the season! My O-State Cowboys were playing during the game, but thanks to BF and his techy new iPhone, I was granted free score updates...
GO POKES!3) K-state football was on TV that evening, so we cooked out with the gang for a bit, but I pooped out pretty early - Sooo sleepy!
4) Enjoyed such an awesome service at church on Sunday morning, and left inspired and motivated to be love to the world. God is so good, friends. Preach it, sista!
5) The rest of the day I crammed in a monstrous grocery run, a top-to-bottom house cleaning {even the yucky nooks and crannies), and organized the crap out of all my... well, crap. It. Felt. So. Good. It's always an awesome feeling when you go to bed at night with no clutter, fresh sheets, clean dishes, and food cooked for the week.
6) It was nice to kind of escape the chaos of being with people all weekend to enjoy a quiet dinner with BF at one of our favorite restaurants - Cafe Trio! We used our Groupon, sat on the romantic patio balcony {which is filled with adorable paper lanterns and garden tea lights}, and enjoyed each other's company. Girls, that man is too good to me!
7) And finally, I have to just say that I am loving life right now. After a fun-filled weekend, I have to say that I feel so overwhelmingly blessed by my little KC family of friends.
8) And let's just get a little sappy, shall we? I don't think I ever knew it was possible to fall more in love with Adam, but it is. I love that man a little more every day, and I'm so blessed by his compassionate heart, sweet compliments, ridiculously fun ideas, and laughter.
{Love you, sweetie.}.:::.:::.:::.:::.How was your weekend? Were you a social butterfly too?

PS - In case you missed the
Mingle Monday blog hop yesterday, go check it out! Get your blog some exposure and find some other great blogs!
PPS - Keep up with me on the fly! Tweet tweet...
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