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November 7, 2011

Mingle Monday Blog Hop - HELP!

Happy Monday, blogosphere!
Did ya'll have a great weekend? Busy? Relaxing? I spent Friday through Sunday is the town of Osborne, KS... population: 1431. Yes, I survived the tiny town with one grocery store and 2 restaurants. I went to visit one of my dear friends (who moved their with her husband last year)and spend the weekend with all of our girlfriends - what a blast!

Although I did enjoy the quietness of a tiny town, I am a city girl at heart. I can get my much needed dose of wide open spaces, but I don't know how I could stand everyone knowing my business - haha!

Anyway, I missed you guys! I was a bad little blogger last week, but I have some fun stuff planned for this week - including a cinnamon roll recipe that's to DIE for! I also need your help MAJORLY with the question of the week - so please give me your advice!

{ Let's mingle! }


Pretty Pretty Please...

If you could find it in your big heart to pass the Mingle word along... I will love you forever and ever and ever.

In all seriousness, I truly appreciate each one of you who take an extra minute to go the extra mile for me. I cannot thank you and your sweet generosity enough!

{ Many thanks! }

Mingle 240


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Come back to [Life of Meg] and leave an encouraging review of the blogs you visited!!

5) Answer the weekly question...

I need your help!! Hosting a cookie swap at mi casa in December...

** Which holiday party invite should I choose? **

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Option 5


** MINGLE FAIR -- all blog & runs (not commenting) will be removed. **


A BIG thanks to all of you who are helping me decide! I have to order them off of Tiny Prints by today to get their big discount of invites/christmas cards/etc site-wide! Check it out!

Lots of love!!

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