I took Valentine's Day off yesterday, and Monday was one big work blurrrr! But thanks to the lovely Leslie @ A Blonde Ambition, I am back and inspired with a post topic... a little fun fact game!
Game Rules:
~you must post the rules
~post 11 fun facts about yourself
~answer the 11 questions that the tagger posted for you, then create 11 questions to ask the people you've tagged
~(I'm tagging everyone who reads this!), then anyone who wants to participate makes their own post
{ A Little Meg }

1. Rainy days, like today are my favorite. I love few things more than waking up to a dark cloudy day, cup of coffee in hand, and listening to the rain fall while Norah Jones sings me sweet songs in the background. Mmmm...
2. I moved to San Francisco for a summer when I was selected for an internship with St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Not only did I become even more passionate about cancer initiatives, I fell in love with that city.
I daydream often about running the Embarcadero stretch on a sunny day, taking the BART (subway) to anywhere in the city, and the charm of those sweet pastel colored victorians. I need to go back ASAP!
3. The musical stylings of Frank Sinatra make me melt. Perhaps I was born in the wrong era? I just love big band music, heartfelt love songs, and that man's smooth voice.
4. I must have a strong affinity for gingers... because I just can't get enough of my red-headed, freckly, bearded man! He's sweeter than sugar, has sacrificed his car for me to drive while mine is dead (we're going on 4 weeks now - must find new car!!), and would gladly do it all over again. He's a keeper.
5. I am terribly indecisive. Dinner plans. Movie times. Which brand of toilet paper to buy. You name it, I have no clue...
6. I was diagnosed with a chronic auto-immune disease, fibromyalgia, last year. It's a difficult disease to manage and no day is like the one before. Some days it feels like every bone or joint in my body aches. Liek the flu. Every day my pain levels are different, chronic fatigue comes along with it, and some days it's just hard to get out of bed.
Slowly losing the 20 lbs I gained while on trial steroids, which was incredibly disheartening, but I'm on my way!
7. I have a 3-year-old daughter, Bella Louise Beast Porter, who is one furry, playful cockapoo. She has an embarrassing amount of nicknames, but I sure love that little baby.
8. I'm a lover of breakfast foods for any meal. I don't really care if it's 7 p.m... waffles always sound good to me! ;)
9. Oklahoma State is where I proudly earned my public relations degree. I will forever be grateful that my degree and education has helped me land my dream job, so I will forever be a Cowboy fan! GO POKES!
10. When I was 3, I got into a little mischief, and ended up with 3rd degree burns on my legs. Apparently I stripped down to my birthday suit, climbed in the sink, and turned on scalding hot water (before our water heater was adjusted), and I was rushed to the ER.
All I remember from that day was wearing Oshkosh B'Gosh pink overalls and I got a My Little Pony from my Aunt Sheryl. Now I have what looks like is a huge birth mark all over my right leg, but people don't now my little secret! :)
11. Name a holiday, because chances are I love it! I'm such a holiday girl, and Adam thinks it's so quirky! Christmas is by far my fave, but I gladly take part in any celebrations, from St. Patty's Day (green beer!) to Groundhog Day! :)
{ Here are the questions Leslie asked... }
1. If you could raid any celebrity's closet, who would it be and why?Reese Witherspoon. She always looks so relaxed and comfortable, while still looking cute and girly. Not to mention she is always wearing adorable dresses!
2. If you were a shoe, what would you look like?I would probably be a cute light yellow polka dotted flat. Girly, yet free enough to prance around!
3. What is your biggest pet peeve?When people don't follow through with their commitments or change plans.
4. Favorite song of all-time?"Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield. I just love the message!
5. Are you a dog person or a cat person? And why? (If you don't like animals, we can't be friends.)I am a puppy person, because they love to snuggle and play.
6. You're queen for a day. How do you spend your royal 24 hours?Sleep in, breakfast in bed, grocery shop with nobody around, go to an early movie, raid hobby lobby for a crafty project, get my nails painted, go on a shopping spree, and then cook dinner in with my love.
7. What's the most delicious thing you've ever eaten?I can't think of a delicious thing that I haven't eaten... :)
8. What scares you the most? (This can be deep and complex or shallow...whatever you feel like!)I absolutely hate creepy news stories or scary movies. I can't handle it!
9. Which celebrity do you wish would drift off into obscurity?Chris Brown.
10. You're 16 years old again. What advice would you give your younger self? Your dream guy and big girl life are out there, so stop worrying/wondering. God will take care of you day-by-day, you just live life to the fullest and live in the present.
11. What's your Starbucks order?Lately, it's been a tall skinny mocha (thanks for FINALLY adding skinny mochas to your menu! YAY!).
Here are the girls I'm tagging in this game:
I'll follow Leslie's lead and say all of you! I would LOVE
to learn more about each and every one of you!!
Here are the questions I'm asking:
1) Hotdog or hamburger?
2) Best movie you've seen recently?
3) What did you want to be when you were growing up?
4) Dream vacation - who/what/where?
5) What is your favorite sport to watch?
6) Tell me your fast food of choice...
7) What is the best date you've ever been on?
8) If you had a $1,000 shopping spree, what stores would likely get your money?
9) Favorite color and why?
10) Name your dessert of choice?
11) How would you like to spend a rainy Saturday?
Why don't you play along with me?! After you post, please come back and leave your post URL in the comments! I'd love to stop by and learn more! :)
Kissy kissy!

if you like rainy days come over to us in CA right now it is a rainy cold day. I just hope that work ends soon, i can go home, curl up in blankets and let the rain fall!
ReplyDeletei loved learning more about you. rainy days are my favorite, too. and i agree.... i LOVE reese's style. she is always SO cute and classy.
ReplyDeleteI was reading this and got up to switch the laundry and seriously felt like I was in the middle of a conversation I had to get back to. :)
ReplyDeleteHello! I liked reading your eleven questions...I've also recently discovered Starbucks and can see why it's addicting!
Wait... how does this game work?
ReplyDeleteYou post 11 fun facts about yourself and then you answer my 11 questions.
ReplyDeleteAfterward, you "tag" specific friends (I chose to tag everyone) and make up 11 questions for them to answer.
I hope this makes sense! :)
Hello There! I just wanted to stop by and say that I love your blog! I went through and read a lot of your old ones, and you are just super inspiring to me! I also live in the KC area(Jayhawk Land ;)), and I always look forwarding to reading what you have on here.
ReplyDeleteHope this cheered up your weekend!
Found you through A Blonde Ambition...and now following! :)
ReplyDeleteI did this post a couple weeks ago - so fun & love your answers to Leslie's questions!!