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February 2, 2012

Super Bowl Party Ideas

Happy Groundhog Day, Friends!
Unfortunately Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, so it's 6 more weeks of winter for us. Although, I have to say that maybe Phil got it wrong this year, because it has been unseasonably warm here in Kansas City {love it}. I can't believe there has been no big snow yet... and it's February!

I digress.

Onward to more fun February festivities (say that 3x fast!) ...Super Bowl! Whether you are hosting your own shin dig or plan on attending another party, I figured I would share some fun ideas that I have a'brewing for our party!

As per the usual, Adam is super duper sweet and has opened his home to host our friends for great food and amazing commercials... I mean football? Somewhere Adam is reading this and shaking his head. Anyway, we are planning on making a few different kinds of chili (that man can make chili like nobody's business!) and enjoying tasty appetizers and treats. I think I have it narrowed down to the top fun things I'd like to try.

{ Thanks Pinterest for you ever wonderful inspiration... }

Check out these adorable free printables!

Those flags would looks so cute on these pizza puffs - yum!

Summer sausage, cheddar & ranch football bites

Baked Mozzarella Sticks

Touchdown 7-Layer Dip

Such a cute idea!
I'm planning to use this Guinness chocolate cupcake recipe that I've been saving, filling the middle with chocolate ganache and going for a basic vanilla buttercream for the green grass!

...and now that I'm finished I am just realizing almost every recipe saved contains copius amounts of cheese. You could say I'm obsessed, but that might be an understatement. I should probably hit the gym before my cheese fest, eh?


What are your plans for the Super Bowl?
Have any fun recipes or ideas saved?

Do share!!

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