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July 13, 2012

Confessional Friday

Friday the 13th? Oh my 'lanta!
You know what that means, right? Absolutely anything can go today. I got to the office and there are only a few people here and it's quiet. Quiet. Happy Friday the 13th indeed!

Well, once again I'm linking up with Leslie's weekly Confessional Friday: Link-Up over at A Blonde Ambition... you know you need to confess too! ;)

1) I confess that... I have slept on my couch the last 3 nights. Yup, 3.
I washed my bed linens earlier in the week and decided to indulge my laziness by letting them sit ON my bed without putting them on yet. Oh my. Tides will be a'changin' tonight, but it's been so wonderful allowing myself to be a tad bit lazy this week.

2) I confess that... I am totally loving this wedding planning thing. I seriously dreaded the idea of ever planning, but I do have the world's best planner/fiance helping out so much! Last night he said, "I've found the church, venue, and catering already... why don't you help me out here!" as he was teasing and tickling me. What a jokester...

3) I confess that... I can't wait to have some quality girl time this weekend! My best friends from home are coming up with their husbands, so we're having a girly coffee/shopping date while the boys golf. So blessed by my best friends, and my heart is so happy when they're near. Can't wait to take couples vacays once Adam and I are married! Come on March 9th!!

{ Adam and I with Sarah on her wedding day }

{ With Court on her big day }

4) I confess that... I walked out of Zumba last night. Usually, my Zumba instructor (and owner of the studio) teaches on Tuesday/Thursday, but he had a sub last night. Now, I am not the type to walk out of a movie or give up, but the class was so low-impact that I thought I would get a better workout at the gym. And I did! Perhaps I will be calling to confirm no subs before attending a class from now on!

5) I confess that... I am back on the Weight Watchers band wagon! The program works so well for me and I really enjoy and respond to accountability and quality nutrition counseling. I had my first meeting on Wednesday, and I feel great!

Can't wait to weigh in next week and slowly get back down to my normal weight after my weight gain last year (steroid treatments for 3 months for my FM)! It feels good to continue on my healthy lifestyle change, and do something to keep me on the road to a better me!
6) I confess that... I am both excited and a little terrified to go wedding dress shopping next weekend. I have an irrational fear that I won't find anything flattering and pretty, even though I know my perfect dress is out there.

Also crossing my fingers that they can tailor it well 7-8 months from now if I keep slowly losing weight like I have been over the last few months!


So glad I got those confessions off my chest... phew!

I can't say this enough... THANK YOU for all of your wonderful, beyond sweet congratulations messages on our engagement. It was so fun to see all of your shared excitement on Twitter, blog comments, and e-mails. Love to each one of you!
Welp, wishing you a lovely weekend! Stay tuned for the Mingle Monday blog hop right here next week!

Have a glitter and ice cream filled weekend! Oh, puppy dogs too! Lots of puppy dogs.



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