I'm sure you are all excited for a long, relaxing weekend just like I am! Work surprised us and dismissed us at noon today for an extra treat (have I mentioned how much I LOVE my job?)!
First and foremost...
If you haven't checked out my rarely been worn Name Brand Clothing SALE, it's happening through Monday!!
I just went in and marked everything down AGAIN, so you could score an amazing silk Ann Taylor LOFT dress (never been worn!) for CHEAP! Check it out - everything must go!!
As for my extra long weekend... I have some super fun plans!!
{ The List }
+ hit up the gym after we were dismissed (bye bye 1,000 cals!)
+ double date with Adam's parents tonight to test out a potential rehearsal dinner spot
+ yummy wedding cake tasting in the a.m. w/ the mister
+ tux try on date following (he'll look dashing!)
+ redbox and sweatpants for a rainy night date
+ royals game sunday
+ trying the new evening church time
+ crocheting and puppy snuggles
+ girly movie
+ sleeping in everyday
+ perhaps a Starbucks treat too - yum!
What are you up to this weekend, lovelies?
Make it a good one!