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August 13, 2012

Mingle Monday Weekly Blog Hop!

After such a lovely long weekend in Madison, I'm back to the weekly grind. This morning started off a little rough when I just wanted to stay in bed and my alarm interrupted some awesome dreams.

Anybody else feeling a little groggy this morning?

I'm planning on grabbing a nice big cup of joe, and then starting in on my work day to do list! I hope a little link-up cheers your Monday right up, friends!


A Huge Thank You...

I truly appreciate each one of you who take a minute minute to go the extra mile each week to spread the word! I cannot thank you for your sweet generosity enough! Let's add to this party!

{ Many thanks! }


** Still can't get the button URL fixed - there may be a new design coming soon!**


How To Mingle:

1) Must be a [Life of Meg] follower to participate.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of this post and click on the link to enter your blog.

3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!

4) Answer the weekly question...

** What fall activities are you most excited for? **



Don't Miss Out...

If you've never taken the opportunity to advertise your blog - here's your chance!! Sponsorship advertising is budget-friendly, with a monthly spot starting as low as $10!!

Look into becoming a Life of Meg sponsor today - I would love to work with YOU!! Select spots available!


And speaking of sponsors... these girls are so much fun!
Looking for a new blog read? Visiting these blogs are a MUST!



Every week that you show up and spread the word brings insane joy to my Monday! Thanks for keeping a smile on my face by being such awesome blog buds!

Coming up this week...

+ Madison recap
+ photos
+ a to die for recipe
+ some fall Inspiration
+ and so much more!

Hope your week treats you well!


PS - Are you on Twitter? Follow me on the go!! :)

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