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November 7, 2012

Family Wedding Weekend + Photos

Many of you who follow me around on Twitter know last week was crazy for me, but so fun! My amazing, (soon to be) sister-in-law, Meredith, got married to the love of her life and had the most beautiful wedding!

I was thrilled beyond belief to celebrate with her all week, and I am so thankful I got time off work to be a helpful bridesmaid! I tried my very best to behave myself.... ;)

I have to say, the majority of people at her wedding are obviously coming to ours in March, and I got really excited. Hands down, I am marrying into such an amazing family and love my in-laws to death. I feel very, very blessed to able to say that.

They were gracious enough to extend the invite to my family, and I love that everyone gets along well and we all enjoy each other so much. Is this real life?

Here are a few shots from an amazing, unforgettable weekend...

 Future hubs is way too handsome, not even going to lie about it...

 Some of my absolute favorite boys.

My future mother-in-law and father-in-law - I sure love them!

 The beautiful bride (isn't her rehearsal dress stunning?) and her groom with his parents.

Some of the wedding party at the lovely rehearsal dinner. Coolest wine cellar ever! 

Little bride after receiving her wedding gift from her hubby.

A few cell phone shots that I stole from my FB friends! :) Isn't Meredith beautiful? 

The perfect fall wedding - can't wait to share the professional photos when they come out!

{sorry about the narrow blog margins! They're making the photos a little loopy looking... }


Dear "Little Bride" (Meredith),

I couldn't possibly ask for a more loving, fun sister-in-law. Not only am I thrilled to call you my official sister in a few months, but I'm thankful you also are a wonderful best friend. I love that we have SO much in common, and that you inspire me to be a better person each and everyday.
What a joy it is to have you and Kyle in my life, and I can't wait to see what our adventures hold! We're sure looking forward to the day where you guys can be our bee keeper neighbors, and our little redheaded babies can all play together. Wishing you the most beautiful Belize honeymoon, and a lifetime of inspiring adventures together.

Love you very much!


Yup, I am blessed beyond measure. I wish I could've snapped a few photos with my family at the reception, but we were all too busy breakin' it down Porter style!

I've got to admit that seeing such an amazing big day gave me butterflies for the first time in a while. 4 months to go, and it's going by so fast! :)


PS - Don't miss this week's link-up!
Drop by the Mingle Monday Blog Hop and pick up some new blog followers!

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