For those of you who are linking up for Mingle Monday for the very first time - I am thrilled to have you here! This is your place to meet so many wonderful friends, discover inspirational blogs, and to gain some followers of your own.
This blog hop is always open from Monday - Sunday, so don't you worry!
And to my faithful Monday Minglers, you make my heart happy. Thanks for your feedback and for your sweet comments every week. I look forward to reading every single one of them!
A Huge Thank You... advance for spreading the word! Blog post, Twitter, smoke signals... you name it, I love it! The more this continues to grow, the greater your chances to gain some wonderful new followers and find great blogs!
{ Many thanks! } advance for spreading the word! Blog post, Twitter, smoke signals... you name it, I love it! The more this continues to grow, the greater your chances to gain some wonderful new followers and find great blogs!
{ Many thanks! }

How To Mingle:
Here are some MUST visit blogs for you!
Want to know how you can get you blog highlighted during Mingle Monday?
Click here!
** ALSO **
Personal blog shout outs and RTs on Twitter all day for everyone who tweets about Mingle Monday! I'm always happy to send extra traffic your way for being so kind!! :)
Now go show Monday who's boss!