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April 22, 2013

Mingle Monday Blog Hop!

Welcome back from the weekend!

I hope you all had a fantastic few days of relaxation and fun. We had an awesome time in Oklahoma for my best friend's beautiful wedding, and now we're all partied out. I think we may be going to bed at 9:30p.m. all week...

Anyway, let's get to mingling, shall we?



1) Must be a Life of Meg follower to participate.
2) Click on the link below to enter your blog.
3) Go visit other blogs saying hello from Mingle Monday!
4) Answer the weekly question in the comments section below...
** What is the #1 sporting event you would love to see in your lifetime?  ** 


Want to know how you can get you blog highlighted during Mingle Monday?

// Click HERE //

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Use promo code: WELCOME


** ALSO **

Personal blog shout outs and RTs for your blog on Twitter all day for everyone who tweets about Mingle Monday! I'm always happy to send extra traffic your way for being so kind!! :)

Want to keep up with me on the go?
Go check out my social media buttons on the right sidebar to stay in the loop!

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