First thing's first, I need to announce the winner of last week's $15 Sephora giftcard + Life of Meg ad space sponsor giveaway. So drum roll please.... the winner is....
Cindy Gaarder!
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Biggest pet peeve: when people do not go the speed limit. O M G drives me insane.
ReplyDeleteI think I have to agree with Liz with my biggest pet peeve, but a bit more specific. Just people who drive slowly in general. Like on the highway this weekend I got into the left lane to go around someone, but everyone in that lane was going UNDER the speed limit. The left lane is the FAST ONE. GO!
ReplyDeleteMy biggest pet peeve is when someone (not saying who does this in our house...) puts dirty dishes in the sink when the dishwasher is empty and waiting to be filled! Lol
ReplyDeleteMy biggest pet peeve is when your out for dinner with friends and they don't have great table manners! This list can go on, and on......slurping soup, talking with their mouth full, biting their fork and using their knife wrong.
My biggest pet peeve is people not saying please or thank you. Basic good manners don't cost a thing!
ReplyDeleteThank you Thank you Thank you :)
ReplyDeleteI am so happy -cindy Gaarder ;)
ReplyDeleteI cant stand when people use made up words like "Irregardless" instead of regardless or say "axe" instead of ask. Drives me bonkers!!
ReplyDeleteThere's many more on my list but that was the first that popped into my head!
Biggest pet peeve, well most of them have to do with driving. No turn signals, driving too slow... I could go on and on
ReplyDeleteWhen someone starts to tell a story.. then gets side tracked and doesn't finish!
ReplyDeleteLoud talkers. Get's me every time!
ReplyDeleteDOG or Cat hair... alot of it.. i cant do it.. just creeps me out!
ReplyDeleteHmmm, today it's not hearing my timer... burned the banana bread!
Biggest pet peeve mostly happen at work...when someone is continuously clicks their pen during a meeting or when you are talking to someone and they are just staring at their computers..rude!
ReplyDeleteIt gets under my skin when people are condescending! It's the worst!
ReplyDeleteChewing of dry cereal or crunchy food when it's quiet...
ReplyDeleteMy biggest pet peeve is being stuck behind someone going 65 in the left lane. Drives me crazy!!
ReplyDeleteMy biggest pet peeve is being stuck behind slow walkers with big grocery carts! Move, Someone's Hungry!! :)
ReplyDeleteSlow drivers, and people who speed up every single time when the passing lane shows up ......
ReplyDeletePet peeve: when people leave time on the microwave. Silly Nate does this almost daily to work my nerves ;)