Thanks for taking the time to stop by for some blog networking. Good for you for putting yourself out there! May you find a whole bunch of great new blogs to follow, and I know you will pick up some new readers along the way
Stay tuned this week for lots of fun...
+ workout fashion faves and fall playlist
+ DIY chevron burlap wreath tutorial
+ new healthy recipe
...and more!
Well anyway, I am so glad that you are here! I am excited to catch up on blog reading, so thanks for linking up!!
** ALSO **
Personal blog RTs for your blog on Twitter all day for everyone who tweets about Mingle Monday! I'm always happy to send extra traffic your way for being so kind!! :)

I get motivated because I do physical therapy at my job and it's lots of lifting, so before I go to school or work or on a break I gotta go do lots of different work out routines so I can stay in shape and get my body toned! :D
ReplyDeleteGood question! lol I used to do yoga EVERY SINGLE DAY and it was AMAZING. Then I just stopped for no reason whatsoever. I don't know why, and I can't get myself to get back into the habit again. It's awful! So I might be checking back through the day to see what people's advice is because I need it!
ReplyDeleteGood workout music gets me motivated! It's been a while since I've been to the gym though :(
ReplyDeleteHa-- that's the million dollar question isn't it?? I go through phases when I'm at the gym all the time and love it, and other times where I can't drag myself there. If you learn the secret though, let me know! :)
ReplyDeleteNothing has been motivating me lately. Ever since I got married the motivation to workout has gone away! Luckily my metabolism is still kickin' but I know that won't last forever!
ReplyDeleteWell music that has a great beat tends to get me motivated to work out lately.
ReplyDeleteNothing...just kidding. Knowing that I will feel amazing afterwards always inspires me to stop sitting around and get to the gym
ReplyDeleteHearing success stories gets me motivated!
ReplyDeleteSeeing other people working out (at the gym or running) gets me motivated!
ReplyDeleteI don't think there is any motivation in me to work out...haha...which is terrible. However, I try to hold on to how it makes me feel AFTER I actually do work out, so that helps :)
ReplyDeleteWork out motivation? There is such a thing? Ha Ha! I think for me my motivation is to boost my self confidence and to be sexy for LT! Now, if I can just start! LOL
ReplyDeleteWorking out os my coffee! If I didn't go to the gym in the mornings I'd be so tired and sluggish throughout the day!
ReplyDeleteFeeling healthy and fit motivates me to workout! I'm currently feeling the need to kick it up a notch before the holidays so that I can enjoy :)!
ReplyDeleteNew clothes! I also just love the feeling of working out and eating healthy. If I eat healthy, I wanna work out. If I work out, I wanna eat healthy!
ReplyDeleteMy motivation to work out is my two boys. Staying healthy and fit is an important part of our day. I want to be able to keep up with them! :)
ReplyDeleteHaving a wedding in (now) less than 6 months! EEK! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat gets me motivated is wearing something slinky for New Year's Eve! And of course to stay healthy!