In case you missed the scoop, hubs turned 30 on Friday, and I threw a big party to celebrate on Saturday!
We had tons of friends and family in town - all of his absolute favorites - and we party hardied all weekend! I'm so glad it went over well and Adam felt loved. All in all, a great weekend!
So, I am pumped that you stopped by to do a little mingling! I also have a BIG announcement that I need your help with, so be sure to read all the way to the very end!!
I feel very honored to be a part of the blog community, and very blessed that my little blog has grown since the day of my first post. I want this blog to focus on paying it forward, so I have decided to re-do my sponsorship platform.
As of right now 100% of advertisement sponsorship proceeds will go to my charity of choice, the American Cancer Society Hope Lodge. There are dozens and dozens of Hope Lodges across the country that give cancer patients a free place to stay while out of town for cancer treatment.
With just $10, you can get a month long ad and know that it is going to help real cancer patients and their families. And for $25 you get a prime ad spot AND an awesome "HOPE" tshirt to be mailed to you ASAP as my thanks to you!
This is your day to give back and also get some great exposure in return, so please help me raise money for this awesome organization by becoming a sponsor HERE!
This is your day to give back and also get some great exposure in return, so please help me raise money for this awesome organization by becoming a sponsor HERE!
Your generosity makes the world go round - thank you!