Back in Kansas City after spending the weekend in Houston with the fam!
We went to the most gorgeous wedding in The Woodlands and danced the night away. I may even be sore this morning (I must be getting old...). Can't wait to share more this week - stay tuned!
How was your weekend? Hopefully it was full of lazy mornings in your jammers and binge watching House of Cards! Thanks for dropping by to link-up - please enjoy and spread the word!
Don't forget to follow Life of Meg on Facebook . I give my FB friends a little heads up when the link-up goes up extra early so you can be the first ones!
Happy Mondays, you sassy things!

Hosting a bachelorette paint party :)!
ReplyDeleteThe favorite part of my weekend was catching up on some much needed sleep!
ReplyDeleteEating a ton of delicious food, and watching House of Cards! :)
ReplyDeleteBRUNCH!! we met up with friends and we tried a new (to me) place downtown... I had really delicious french toast :)
ReplyDeletexo jillian - cornflake dreams
We painted the inside of our front door dark gray - something I've been wanting to do for several months!
ReplyDeleteBeing able to stay at home with my family and relax!
ReplyDeletelots of singing! Happy Monday :)
ReplyDeleteAh! I loved my weekend, went to the Utah Vs. Arizona Game then on Sunday I went on a date to my friends bday party for sushi and adventures it was amazing! Hope your weekend was amazing as ever :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part of the weekend was seeing all of my friends! It was a busy weekend, but it was nice to get out of my apartment. :)
ReplyDeleteIt was slightly lazy! House of Cards, had in laws over, blissful sleep, and oh 6.5 more inches of snow.... whomp
ReplyDeleteDefinitely a little downtime on Sunday has been busy the past month and it was nice to have some time to think on the 1st of March!
ReplyDeleteWhhhaaaatttttt??? Like a wine + painting style class?? That sounds so fun!
ReplyDeleteI bet that was pure cozy heaven! I am so envious! :)
ReplyDeleteCan't go wrong with delicious food and HoC! We binge watched yesterday and I think are on episode 6 or 7! It's crazy!
ReplyDeleteOmg... you just can't beat brunch! I bet french toast was just what baby cornflake was craving! ;)
ReplyDeleteI love knocking out a good home project!! We need to paint the inside and outside of our front door so bad! Any good DIY tips?
ReplyDeleteWhat bliss!! Kick your feet up girl - you deserved that chill time!
ReplyDeleteSay what?? What were you belting out? Please tell me you used a hairbrush as a microphone!
ReplyDeleteThat's so fun! Go wildcats!! :) Now after reading this I am craving really good sushi... yum!!! Sounds awesome.
ReplyDeleteYES! Getting out and about to see friends is always wonderful. No matter how crazy busy I've felt after those kind of weekends my heart is always full! :)
ReplyDeleteHoC! We are on episode 6ish I think! What do you think so far? And how cozy - TV + snow falling! Love it.
ReplyDeleteYes, having downtime on a Sunday afternoon is a little slice of heaven! I hope you feel rested and organized, my friend!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part of my weekend was taking a trip to Ikea! Love that place!
ReplyDeleteI'm up to episode 5! Its definitely scandalous so far. I'm waiting for Claire and Frank to fall apart. They bring dysfunction to a WHOLE new level! Season 4, Claire moves to Russia LOL
ReplyDeleteOh no - real microphones! Singing workshop in the afternoon then singing at an open mic later in the evening - a bit of Cathedrals by Jump Little Children and 'Falling Slowly' from Once - do you know them? ;)
ReplyDeleteSeeing some old friends at a Baby Shower and not having to bring the little humans with me.
ReplyDeleteHi! I just found your Monday Mingle! I'm excited to join. :) My friends and family threw me a surprise bridal shower this weekend, and that definitely beats out everything else I did.
ReplyDeleteBest part of the weekend was enjoying the snow that St. Louis got because the forecasters were actually right!
ReplyDeleteBest part was catching up on Netflix. Home sick with the flu, might as well make good of it :).
ReplyDeleteBest was spending some down time with my husband. We've been living two hours apart until we coordinate the move for his work--it was great going to our favorite local hipster coffee place and sitting outside, hiking, and then overnighting it at a resort where he was headed to a conference.
ReplyDeleteDitto to the Wildcats comment!
ReplyDeleteLazy saturday spent in jammies all day, which is always my favorite! Sunday was church then a birthday party. New to the link up, hi there.
ReplyDeleteI hope the weather in Houston was better than the weather in San Antonio... But despite the cold and rain, spending the weekend with my husband was obviously the best part of my weekend!!
ReplyDeleteFavorite part of my weekend would have to be enjoying the sunshine out in the backyard with my animals and husband, while enjoying music and a cold drink ;)
ReplyDeleteLoving your blog girly! xx, Hayley