Good Morning!
Thanks for swinging on by to link-up even though I've been pretty MIA the last week. I guess that's what working 60+ hours and being on call does to a gal... I could barely do much more than work, make a sandwich, and crash. I even fell asleep at 8pm in my work slacks last week.
Real talk, folks.
Thank sweet little 8 pound baby Jesus, you're still sticking with me! Finally back in the groove this week and can't wait to blog it up! And catch up on YOUR blogs!
Hey, are you an insta fanatic too? Let's connect! Follow me on the fly via Instagram (@life_of_meg)!
// Last week a little 4-year-old came up to me and said, "My dad has to drink tea so he can go poo in the toilet!" You should have seen the mom's face.... major TMI - haha! //

Meg, I teach transitional kindergarten, so I could probably write a book on the things kids say. One that comes to mind, is one time a student said to me after I broke out in a cold sore, which are not fun. Worse than when we were teenagers and a zit popped out in the middle of our face. She comes up to me and says, "Mrs. S. what is that THING on your face?" Did a bug bite you? Well, not lying to her per se - yes, a bug bit me, and the name of it is called, "nasty thing." I can't imagine what she went home and told her parents. Anyways, the rest of the week the kids all said, "Mrs. S. was bit by a nasty thing." Love it!
ReplyDeleteI worked for three years in PreK, wow, the things kids would say! Basically if it went on at home, I knew about it. But I can't think of any one thing that was said. My kids are the ones that normally say stuff they shouldn't in front of others. One day my husband and I were talking about how we didn't want to spend the day with a particular extended family member because she causes drama. We didn't mention any names, but my youngest was almost 7 at the time. We got to the birthday party and had a great time. Well as we were leaving she said in front of the family member. "I don't see what you and daddy were complaining about her, y'all were smiling and talking and laughing, so I know you had fun." I was mortified!!
ReplyDeleteI love this question! I remember when my brother was little and he could not remember our grandmother's name (he is 5 years younger, and our grandma lived in Texas, so he did not see her as often as I did), so he kept saying, "hey you!" It was pretty adorable!
Ginger Side of Life
Girl, you're a trooper for putting in that much work! Seriously. I hope this week is slower for you :) I don't think my kid quote is appropriate here, but I'll be sure to fill you in next time we meet up! haha
ReplyDeleteI'm a kindergarten teacher and kids do say the darnest things. This past year, one little boy comes up to me during carpet time and says out loud to the kids, "I'm like Pinocchio" and points down there. Sure enough something was poking thru and all the kids started looking and laughing. That wasn't the only day it happened after that..
ReplyDeleteFor me it would have to be kids who come up to me from church every sunday and ask me if my 6 month old son is eating meat yet! LOL! They just dont understand! LOL!
ReplyDeleteAlso I love linking up have not been following the rules good :( I added your Mingle Monday pin to my side bar but cant get it to work in my post! Hope thats ok!
AAAAHHHH! I did it! I found the comment button!! Thanks for responsing to all my crazy emails earlier this morning and thanks for hosting this link up every Monday for crazy people like me! Like I told you, I'll need to consult my daughter's baby book for a funny story, but if it's any consolation, I've loved hearing all her fun stories from camp last week! She had such a wonderful time!
ReplyDeleteNana (age 85): Good morning!
ReplyDeleteS (age 6): You're still alive? Congratulations! I'm so proud of you!!
It's not even just little kids! I taught high schools and sometimes the things that would come out of those kids mouths!!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteWell my child is three so be assured some of the things she says make us laugh so very hard. There was one night that Sofia had this diaper rash and she was hurting pretty bad. The sad thing was we didn't know why she was hurting at the we kept asking her what was wrong over and over. She said that she was hurting in that area and while I was fixing her up she said "I hurt I hurt...I need a doctor!" The situation just got so much less tense and we just laughed at how silly that sounded and how adorable she was.
ReplyDeleteOk for real....your insta pix are amazing how have I not followed you previously?!!! On our roadtrip this past week Carly (9) says "sometimes when people are using their hands I've heard them say talk to the booty because the hand is on duty". She always has something inspiring to share!
ReplyDeleteThe funniest thing I ever heard a kid say doesn't sound too funny on paper but it was in real life. My son had a friend over for dinner, and when his friend finished eating he promptly put down his fork and said 'I'm ready for my dessert now!'. I looked at my husband in horror, for I didn't have a dessert, because we don't eat a dessert with every meal. But there was a bowl of fruit on the table, so my husband came to my rescue and pushed the bowl in his direction and said 'Here you go!'.
ReplyDeleteI could write a book about kids saying the darndest things! I remember when I was an historic interpreter and dressed in a 18th costume. The mere sight of me and the other interpreters would scare the mess out of those kids. I actually think they believed we were ghosts haunting the site! But once this group of kids realized we were not ghosts, they kept saying "hey ancestry". Some interpreters were even asked did they know Harriet Tubman or were they Harriet Tubman!
ReplyDeleteI in have so many nice things my kid said. Unfortunately, they are funny in my language and it is impossible to translate.o)