...over "Bread and Wine" by Shauna Niequist. I love the way she writes about her love affair with food and how sacred a simple meal around the table is. Every time I pick it up I am overcome with inspiration for hospitality and thankfulness for the people I get to do life with.

...my favorite thrift stores for puzzles. My latest find was a collection of Pixar puzzles and I was so happy I could've done the macarena right there in Savers. #nerding
...order in every sense of the word. Right after my 2nd leg surgery this winter, I knew it was going to be a feat to get all the Christmas decorations down. Well a solid 5 months later, they're still up in our loft practically begging to be organized.
My Memorial Day project is to absolutely harness my OCD, sort through everything, make a pile for donations, and get it all put away! I am going to live by this "how to" blog post.
...our upcoming family vacation to Anna Maria Island, Florida. Any recommendations? And while we're on this topic, I think I need this unicorn pool float.

...to the Up & Vanished podcast. If you loved Serial, you will absolutely love this intriguing journey to help solve the real life disappearance of Tara Grinstead. Don't worry, I'm a sissy when it comes to crime scene topics, but I can't stop listening to this one!
...that Adam and I planned an entire garden out and then decided it would be too much work.
...these banana chocolate chip mini muffins. They are SO good.
...every single moment I can spend on the patio. My favorite moments are the early mornings when the sunlight is soft and golden and I'm curled up in my favorite sweatshirt with coffee in hand. Even better if it involves a smoothie bowl. Absolute bliss.
...at this meme uncontrollably. This is me after binge watching 6 hours of Orange is the New Black.

...a Kauai vacation recap post (finally!). Reliving every single moment as I sift through the photos.
...up a new adventure. You know when you get in the groove of traveling, the second you get home you are already dreaming up your next adventure. Well, I've got the travel bug (and PTO days to boot!), so I'm ready for more exploring this fall (Asheville is high on the bucket list). Where to, my friends?
What have you been loving lately, friends?